Każde z królestw natury: królestwo zwierząt, roślin i minerałow - posiada swoją własną doskonałość.
Człowiek żyjący pośród nich, obserwując je, może czerpać z nich wiele inspiracji w swym dążeniu do własnej, ludzkiej doskonałości.

(Each of the kingdoms of nature: the kingdom of animals, plants and minerals - has its own excellence.
A man who lived among them, watching them, can draw from them a lot of inspiration in his quest for his own, human perfection.)

wtorek, 20 kwietnia 2010


Above photos (c) Piotr Woźniak

Above photos (c) Beata Sobolewska-Woźniak

Warszawa, Park na Kamionku. Kwiecień 2010.
Warszawa, Kamionek Park. April 2010.
 Kamionek - part of South Praga, the quarter of Warsaw located on eastern bank of Vistula River. The name Kamionek comes from the village Kamień (Stone). This place is not only one of the most beautiful and popular places in Warsaw. It also has an important history: here, in 1572, the first free election of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Kings had place.

8 komentarzy:

Mamsan pisze...

Pieknie, spokojnie i zielono...

isabella kramer - veredit pisze...

dear Beata, dear Piotr, these are fantastic images, so right to breathe, a sky, wishing you a bird to be able to ascend and a light that shines directly into the soul into it! Spring is just wonderful!

happy greetings,


Gary pisze...

The pictures are incredibly beautiful...it makes one feel alive and at peace with the world on days like that! :-)

The Lly Dilettante pisze...

Stunning shots :D

Espresso pisze...

Piękne miejsce i piękne fotografie!

Unknown pisze...

Beautifull pics and scenery!!

Mª Angeles B. pisze...

Este lugar tiene unos colores y una paz impresionante y el cielo precioso...

Precioso reportaje.


Paula Werner Severo pisze...

wonderfull views!

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